
Toddler Tales | Oak Knoll Park | St. Louis Family Photographer

Attitude is everything. For me, I am pretty laid back….unless I am a passenger in a car…on a highway. Then my anxiety is through the roof and my fear of death has completely taken over. (Getting rear ended on the highway in a huge wreck will definitely scar you for life.) But other than that, I am always pretty much content and am pretty good at rolling with the punches. Because after all, we can not control what happens to us, we can only control how we react. 

So, what was so special for me about this shoot was all the good energy and feelings from the parents despite a complete FACE PLANT ON CONCRETE from this adorable toddler within the first 10 minutes of our session. I’ve seen so many parents get so rattled by the smallest things which puts negative energy out there making me feel rushed, nervous, uncreative. Totally kills my vibe. Not the case here!

This sweet girl had a big scrape from the side of her forehead, along her eyebrow to her eyelids down to her cheek. After she cried for awhile, I suggested the playground to perk her spirits up. The parents were completely awesome. So chill, and just rolled with it. I mean, life with a toddler definitely throws you constant punches.

After awhile on the playground, Miss Sage completely forgot about her big scrape and fall. She was a happy little girl again. Her parents were happy. And we had THE BEST session. After all, this scrape was nothing that a little Photoshop magic couldn’t fix! 

So when I say, attitude is everything, it really is. 🙂  So happy we were able to bounce back from the fall, and capture a snippit of life as a family of 3 soon to be 4!!